Ashes and snow is an art project made by Leo Burnett. The artist was introduced to me by my friend Kyriaki. This particular project is very well presented in an interactive web site using up-to date technology managing to …
A few days ago, while researching for platform development project about the Elizabethan times, I found the web site of the upcoming movie “Elizabeth – the golden age”. Exploring its content I came up to a very interesting interactive …
A few weeks ago two members of the enterprise staff introduced us to setting up a small business. To understand this process we were separated in two groups and we were given a brief. Based on the brief we had …
The alarm rings!!! I have to wake up! Not good… it’s too early but errands have to be done on my day off! I still wanna stay in bed… No no no there are things to be done! Come on …
Last Friday, Kyriaki, Paul, Nicola (3rd year students of i-media) and I organized a small tour around Liverpool Museums to experience interactive pieces and research how installations are used for educational reasons. The World Museum of Liverpool held an interactive …
As a part of “Professional Practices and the Workplace” module two members of Splinter‘s staff came to our class to advice us for our personal portfolios. Here are some of the tips they gave us:
1. Keep a neat …
On the 29th of October Martin Chapman from Mando Group gave us, the students of i-media course at LJMU, a seminar about designing interfaces and creating paper prototypes for user testing.
We were separated in groups of four to complete …
With what words could someone describe interaction? I will list some of them:
* involvement
* communication
* activity
* 2 way action
* input-output
* internet, letter writing, conversation.
Based on Crawford’s theory interaction is a cyclic process between …
“Interactive narrative is the most ambitious art form existing today because it combines traditional narrative with visual art, and interactivity. Strangely enough, these three art forms share an important feature: They each allow information
to be telescoped or compressed. Traditional …